Friday, March 21, 2008

Welcome Spring!!!!!!!!!

It was a beautiful first day of spring. 70 degrees and the perfect day to go fly a kite!
Madison actually did really well flying the kite, she loved it. That is until she accidentally let go of the string and the wind carried it into a tree! This was tramatic to say the least but we recovered and waved to the kite as it continued to fly hooked to the tree even as we were driving away! It was quite hilarious watching Antaun sprint for the kite before it hit the tree!!! =)

Nikki and I took the girls to the park and I am making this face because right at this moment I am being kicked in the butt by a bratty little boy behind me! The next time around I said, "No kicking, kid." Well a little nice than that but you get the point...
Lainey LOVES the swing, she laughs and smiles, it's adorable.

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